the charade brigade is still alive!!!! we had pizza last night, abby, sarah, jem, kei, jaq, karl, jeff and myself... well anyway, abby texts me that morn
ing and invites me to go out that afternoon... im like: what? i'm broke, as ive spent all my money in my sem-ender and the day before in carlo's coffee thingie... i go on line and find jem on line as well...

she forces me to go, i agree w/ the condition that she finds a financial means for me to attend... haha.. thank you jeffy "sex god", he paid for my bills.. so there, i was able to reunite w/ all of them, all the girls bloomed! jaq had looong beautiful hair, kei cut her hair short but she looks pretty still and abby oh she's so pretty in love. :) jeff had new braces, he looks cute in them.. and karl... well, he did something to his hair.. something most of us ddnt think looked ok on him.. well, that's karl for you.. somethings never change.. it seems like we've never been apart at all... hay.. i love these guys!!!
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