Listening to: Lonely No More - Rob Thomas
Feeling: Enamored
- i went to class to attend my entrepreneurial class group meeting and brainstormed on possible business ventures and marketing schemes for this selling project we had.. the idea is brilliant and it suits my personality well-- the entire groups personality, in fact. but at this moment i can't disclose it yet... safety purposes > enjoy this
- i attended my marketing communications class and was assigned to promote something we were interested in, but prior to that, we must first identify what actually interests us. i'm paired with a groupmate from the entrep class and we're planning to promote our biz. >enjoyed this
- doing my finishing touches on the research on my Tour 198 - Strategic Management class. > enjoyed this
- interviewed the Tourism officer of the city of Marikina, Mr. Mario Villanueva. and i must commend him for all his intelligent contributions to the city. he's one of the reason i take pride in being a Marikenya and a Filipina. i can already visualize our thesis.... >enjoyed this
I'm officially a nerd! i'm so loaded with things to do... i've been awake since early this morning and been on my feet all day. all evening i've spent in front of the PC working on researches, presentations, et al.. my body is dead tired.. in fact i was feverish all day, but my brain is so amused and is not getting a bit tired. i've got this adrenaline rush everytime i add something new to my knowledge bank. i'm kinda new to this sort of high... but it's kinda cool.... yikes.... i'm a nerdax!!! (a gay term i learned from Drew)

anyway, il make this brief so i can go back to my research, i encountered this in the Cosmo Forum... Dessert Treats ... some edible kikay stuff.... check out the site... well, someone from the forum is selling it, and i might buy one in january. my december money is already budgeted for x'mas gifts and party shares. haaay, they don't come really cheap. well anyway, anyone who'd like to make me happy this christmas, getting me those shimmery powder will definitely do the trick! Mele Kalikimaka! (in hawaii, thanx KikayCats for the translation!)
shempre naman.. bagong kaalaman un frm u. :D ang cutie noh? intriga ako e...
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