Bitter Valentines.... NOT!
Mood: Pissed

Listening to: Under the Reggae Moon

Can u believe it..? it's valentines tomorrow! and i'm actually looking forward to it. yes i'm dateless, whoever said i'm not. but i'm not bitter or whatever. honest.
my parents did a good job making me believe i'm a pretty, lovable, adorable, smart, little bundle of joy.... the last thing i need is some idiot to confirm that by taking me out on a date out of desperation. hehe. i dont shudder at the sight of lovers either. all i know is that unless some teacher tries to mess up my day tomorrow, i'm gonna have fun.. and yes.. i will see Brownman Revival in UP!
what pisses me? today, Feb 13, on the eve of Valentines... the first night of the UP Fair, Reggae night at that... i've got 2 big reports tomorrow. haaaayy... i was actually looking forward to it.. Brownman's playing tonight.. but alas.. my student instincts are kickin in.. di bale.. this would be my final few weeks in school... i hope!
yesterday my dad told my sister, in my presence:
after ate graduates, we wont see her at home anymore
the point hit home. i really am moving on to a different life in a few weeks! haay... i really hope so. i'm so tired of working on assignments, papers, etc. but then i suddenly felt some sort of loneliness upon hearing that.. i know i'm graduating a year behind my batchmates, but knock knock?! am i really ready?
blog break is over... back to work... here i go again.. haaaaayy!!!!
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