I'm making this one hell of a ride
i'm finally and officially enrolled! i'm starting the sem right, i came a few minutes before time this morning, only to find out my teacher had no interest in teaching today. ok.. no loss. at least i was able to complete my enrollment... aw... this is hopefully my last sem, still i dunno the proper order of the enrollment process w/o peering through the step guides.. LOL.
well anyway, this morning, i got into a UP-Katipunan jeep, and sat in my fave seat (either behind the driver or the seat opposite it-- today i got the one behind the passenger seat)... i was in deep concentration over robert langdon's adventures when this nice looking guy sat in the passenger seat on my right. Actually, "nice" is an understatement.. he looks hott in his neat looking way. Clean cut, neatly gelled hair, no facial hair, clear glasses, collared shirt and best of all, he smells d*mn good! he would be a quintessence of my dream husband, he looks like a law student. o well, i tried to steal a glimpse of him on the rear view mirror.. and he does look good.. *sigh* then another guy sat beside him and he was pushed to his left, the guy being directly on my right.
so i continued reading my book til we got to UP. i stopped when the guy on my right got off the jeep and mr. hotness positioned himself to my right.. and just then, i realized who the other guy is.. BRUCE QUEBRAL. o well, i dont crush over him anymore. i was more interested in mr. hotness and robert langdon to care. haha

i'm actually kinda changing my style.. i'm trying to look for more mature outfits, sumthing i can take w/ me after i leave college (hopefully). i jst dont have the dough to fund them. but at least i have a foresight of what i might need. not splurging on dora stuff. i mean hey, i wanna be ELLE WOODS, not ELMO.
ok, back to enrollment, almost every person i got to interact w/ in the assesment, advising, checking, etc, were all sharing their thoughts about me graduating (point of info, AIT's a small college, almost everyone knows everyone-including faculty and staff). and w/ every person, i get excited and nervous.. am i really gonna make it? as i look at my sked i fear i might get all tied up sometime later. i probably will, but i'm still up to the challenge. i'm gonna make this the best sem ever. even if i have physics/chem!
1. Study hard!! seriously now... 5 months to go!
2. Eat healthy... no more hanging out at the canteen, potato chips is bad for ur health
3. Save more.. no potato chips, ergo, more money
4. Prioritize acads.. so extra currics, i've devoted the rest of my college years to u.. this sem is ME-time
5. Say NO to d*mn temptation... temptations of going out too much or cutting classes.. :)
it's gonna be a fun 5 months.. i'm gonna have a new mantra from now on.. although i can't think of a nice catchy one just yet.. hehe.. mwah!
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