
the life and thoughts of the Sun Goddess

Sunday, May 21, 2006

my babsy

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me and my baby... in our "place"

He might not know this but he's marvelous.. simply powerful.

The way he kisses me when I'm upset, how he hugs me when I'm angry (even with him), he takes all my burden away. How he always try to make me laugh even though he knows I'd ridicule him, and how he tries very hard to come on time, to take me to the office, to do favors for me even if they are out of the way. How he always tries to pleasure me even when he knows that i'm virtually insatiable. How he never gets tired of my rantings. How he can be very adorable and baby me even when his friends laugh. The way we have funny, little arguments about some irrelevant things and know that we'd laugh about it. How he listens to my stories and not judge me for my past; how he puts up with my adventurous side even if sometimes i get too adventurous; and how he is able to make me watch those korean chick flicks that i swear i'd never be caught dead with. How i can be my sweet or nasty or bossy or naughty self when I'm around him and how he held on when i gave up.

He might not know all these but everything he does, no matter how big or small is appreciated... I just don't show it everytime. I hope he knows it... and I want to thank him for his gift of friendship.. and that i love him so, very much..

PS... I love his ass! and it's mine! ;)