Mood: chillax
Listening to: Bring it back - Moloko
It's my day off! woohoo and deym! does it feel good! I feel so lazy. Our pc just got fixed and i'm feelin' so full... yes, of food! It's so fun to be a bum!
so what has been happening to lil ol me these past few weeks?
it's been fabulous. even though i've spent so much time in work, i get like an hour or two after late office hours to hang out with some of my friends.... i learned to play poker with jem and other friends last week (refer to previous post-pic w/ martin.. playing poker by the candle light)...
Last May 17 my officemates from Hyatt Hotel and Casino Manila and i went to Punta Fuego, Batangas... need i say more? just take a look at the pics...The beauty that is Punta Fuego

the sh*t is B-a-n-a-n-a...

Meet the parents... after work the other day, Martin texted me. It was past my work hour (w/c supposedly ends at 6pm) but I was still in the middle of work. He invited me to dinner with his parents at Cibo in Gateway Mall. In a moment i tried to finish all that is pending and went straight to Gateway. Ate Chari also brought her boyfriend "to meet the parents". After dinner Martin, together with his parents and younger sister, Marrah took me home. I like his family, especially ate Charisse, I just hope they like me too.
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