almost all down
Mood: Dead tired

Listening to: Nothing but the buzzing of the wind

thesis final paper
it has been a busy week but at least i'm almost done. the final hard bound paper will need only a day to complete. after 4 nights of waiting for the sun rise, i'm finally done.
i just emailed to my partner my part in the promotional plan and my collateral ideas. prior to that i consolidated and edited my group's (ahem, leader-leaderan) paper in ecotourism.

and before that i completed my part in our group's biz plan for strategic management and bonded and pigged out with my STS group mates on the night when i had 2 exams and no decent sleep.
my sts group- back: carla, meng; front: ana, me
after a looooong night
there's no use sleeping now. it's 5 am. my things are still in a mess. our flight is sometime later, i didn't even bother ask the time. all i know is that dad wants to get out at 7.30 am. i have a few minutes to spare. ergo i blog. i'm tired and drained. but i'm glad it's almost through...
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